It seems as if almost by fate that on one spring day Lou Winters picks up an old dog eared magazine on how clearing clutter from your life can really boost your mood. Little does Lou know at the time how much clearing out her clutter is going to change not only her mood but her life. What starts off sorting out a few draws here and there soon turns into a full house sort out. So much so that Lou has to start hiring skips from the gorgeous half Italian Tom Broom. Lou soon finds herself addicted to clearing out her nest and the more Lou clears out the more she realises what things are important in her life and what things have to go. Should she keep her successful wealthy husband whose affair with another woman Lou is still trying to heal from? Should she throw away her self obsessed ‘best friend’? And maybe in the light and airy places that they leave behind fill them with the confident Lou she used to be before becoming the ultimate surrendered wife, her best friend Deb whom she’s lost contact with and maybe just maybe Tom Broom and his adorable dog Clooney…
I really liked this book. It was a nice light read. Although it had some romance this book mainly covers the subject of self esteem and bullying whether it’s in the work place or from your loved ones. It’s a real feel good read that has you cheering the lovable Lou on as you watch her character grow. Definitely recommended if you’re looking for a girl power kind of read. I’ve since brought another one of Milly Johnson’s novels A Summer Fling which sounds just as good as this one. It has to be said that the covers for both of these books are really pretty and look great on my bookshelf which is a great bonus! 4 stars.
My Rating 4/5 stars ****