Publisher: Usborne
Release: September 1st 2013
Genre: UKYA, Contemporary, Sci-Fi, Romance
Source: Received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Goodreads Summary:
"Every so often, two people are born who are the perfect matches for each other. Soulmates. But while the odds of this happening are about as likely as being struck by lightning, when these people do meet and fall in love…thunderstorms, lightning strikes and lashings of rain are only the beginning of their problems.
Enter Poppy, the 17-year-old cynic with a serious addiction to banana milk, and Noah, the heart-throb guitarist; residents of mediocre Middletown, sometime students, and…soulmates.
After a chance meeting at a local band night, Poppy and Noah find themselves swept up in a whirlwind romance unlike anything they’ve ever experienced before. But with a secret international agency preparing to separate them, a trail of destruction rumbling in their wake, (and a looming psychology coursework deadline), they are left with an impossible choice between the end of the world, or a life without love…"
Soulmates is a unique and compelling debut by fresh new British talent Holly Bourne – I was utterly blown away by it! “Soulmates” and “True Love” is a worn out concept in YA and yet Holly Bourne puts an exciting scientific spin on it. What if meeting your soulmate was a bad thing? Holly Bourne puts romance under the microscope and asks the eternal question “what is love?” In this contemporary love story with a sci-fi twist.
Despite being a fairly chunky novel I was immediately captivated by this story and never got bored nor did the book feel overly long. I think this was mainly down to the authors writing style; it was funny, thrilling, current and hugely readable. There were times when I laughed, sobbed, and was on the edge of me seat with anticipation. The book is told from Poppy’s perspective and there are alternate chapters told in third person following a secret society who seem to be keeping tabs on Poppy and Noah’s romance. I loved this extra insight and I was so curious to find out why Poppy and Noah were so dangerous.
Poppy was such a refreshing heroine. She’s snarky and a complete cynic when it comes to the idea of “true love” so nobody is more surprised than her when she meets Noah and they have an instant connection. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a fan of insta-love but for this particular story it worked in this books favour. What I really loved was that although Poppy and Noah had an instant spark their relationship still grew and developed over time as they got to know one another.
One of my favourite things about Soulmates was the scientific aspect to the book. Holly Bourne really examines what love is and the chemical reactions our bodies have to that loved up feeling. A lot of the science behind the book is actual facts and the nerd in me loved asking the big questions like “is love just an illusion?” “Is it a chemical reaction?” “Is there really a perfect person out there for everyone and if so what are the chances of finding them?” Soulmates looks at love from every angle and I loved how thought provoking it was.
Whilst reading this book my heart raced, I had butterflies in my stomach, clammy hands and a dry mouth. My diagnosis? I’ve fallen head over heels in love with Soulmates! Holly Bourne is a bright rising star in UK YA if you love books by C.J Skuse and Cat Clarke you won’t want to miss this extraordinary debut!