Thursday, 24 February 2011

Covers So Lovely We'd Lick Them! (9)

The new feature co-created and co-hosted by LadyViolet and Jess hearts books where we show off a book cover which we find so damn scrumptious that we'd actually be willing to lick it! Every week we each pick a different cover so be sure to check both blogs!
My Pick for this Week
Supernaturally by Kiersten White
So I’ve decided to be totally unoriginal this week and pick Supernaturally, the cover’s just been released and everybody’s posting about it, but I’ve only just read and loved Paranormalcy and with my review up on Monday I decided to stick to the same Evie loving theme this week. I LOVE the colours for this cover the pretty oranges, reds and burnt out browns aren’t hugely popular colour choices compared to the purple and black and whites of most paranormal books so I love that Supernaturally is different. Once again I want Evie’s beautiful dress and OMG that girl’s hair! Blonde bombshell anyone? I love Evie so much and unlike a lot of models on the front of book covers I can actually see this girl as my beloved book bff. For me this cover doesn’t disappoint at all and can certainly stand proud next to the beauty of the first book, and if Paranormalcy is anything to go by I bet what’s inside will be just as gorgeous as the cover. If you haven’t checked out the amazing Paranormalcy yet I highly suggest that you do and if you need any more convincing you can check out my Evie Rocks review here. So that’s my cover for this week. Feel free to leave me comments letting me know what you think of this week’s pick and if you ever get insane lust over a book cover, does a lovely cover influence you buying the book? Let me know and don’t forget to stop by Rachel’s blog to find out what cover she’d like to Lick this week!


  1. Isn't it gorgeous? I haven't read Paranormalcy but I can't wait to. It looks wonderful! Great pick!

  2. I would lick this cover. It's sooo prettyy! I can't wait for Supernaturally! :D Paranormalcy was awesome :)

  3. I love this cover and series! I can't wait to read it!!

  4. Love that cover too! I haven't read the first book yet, but must check it out soon!

  5. That is a gorgeous cover! I need to read the first book.

  6. YES! Supernaturally is even better than Paranormalcy, in my humble opinion :D

  7. honestly the best covers in a series ever. I loved that they stuck with the same model too. Greatness all around and I love the red! (this will be so pretty on my shelf :P)


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