Thursday, 8 July 2010

Booking Through Thursday

''Do you have friends and family to share books with? Discuss them with? Does it matter to you?'' I love this weeks question and just had to answer it seems as it’s really relevant to me at the moment. I’ve never really had friends who love to read like I do up until last year- as last year I met my now best friend Rachel on a twilight book forum. We got talking because we had tons of books in common and then we figured we lived close to each other so decided we’d meet up and the rest is history! Actually I’m going to visit her for 3 days next week and we’re going to spend a lot of our time doing bookish things. I also met my other friend Ellie off Librarything and she loves to read too, so I’m really grateful to the internet book community for bringing two awesome people into my life and who knows maybe I’ll meet even more bookish friends in the future? I love talking books with them and being able to recommend them things I think they’ll like and vice versa. No one in my family really reads that much except for my aunty who really sparked my love for books as a child and I’m really getting my 2 year old cousin into reading which from my experience can only be a good thing for her! I’m always happy to buy her whatever books she wants and read to her and I hope I can inspire her to carry on being a reader through her life. Then of course I have all my followers and people from book websites who maybe don’t live as close as I’d like to be real life buddies but who I love talking to and discussing books with none the less, I heart you guys! I hope you enjoyed my answer! :)


  1. It's so fun to have friends that read. You are so lucky!
    But you made me think I have a friend that reads A LOT and in English too. We used to write about books but we don't have as much time anymore.

  2. The internet is a great way to meet book buddies!

    You can read my answer HERE

  3. You've basically said exactly what I would have written (only I didn't get round to doing my post cos of RL stressings). *hugs* Yay for bookish roadtrip!! :D Can't Wait!!

  4. Awww Jess, I love you guys too! In fact, between you and Rachel you have been responsible for quite a lot of my recent book buys... I used an old BTT question this week while I was waiting for the new one, is that cheating?! :-)

  5. Forums like that are a great way to find a friend with common interests, and books are one of the best commonalities there are. Enjoy your BTT.
    please find my BTT here


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