Monday, 16 May 2011

Random Ramblings (2) My Self Imposed Restraining Order on Books

So June is coming up and June will be a very busy time for me. Fun times but busy times that are going to need MONEY. June is always a busy month for me because I have a lot of family birthdays at that time but this year even more so with it being the blogs 1st blogoversary and me attending the Manchester Blogger Meet Up. On top of that I’m trying to save for a new laptop with my computer going bust so as you can see there are a billion reasons why I need more money and so have enforced upon myself a book buying ban. However I am sadly not a normal person. I’m addicted to buying books and so instead of going cold turkey I have a set of rules to insure that I save money but do not go insane which would prevent me from enjoying and taking part in the numerous fun activities I have planned for June. So here are my rules, I wanted to type them up and post them on the blog so it’s all official and so you guys can hopefully support me. Rules 1.) I am allowed to buy a grand total of 4 books per month. For some people this might seem easy but for somebody who can easily buy 4 books each week this is like eating scraps of ham when I’m used to steak with all the trimmings. 2.) HOWEVER I am only allowed to buy books that I REALLY want/need e.g. next book in a series I love, new release from a favourite author. 3.) Books can only be bought if they are on a special offer. Which can be anything from cheap books on Amazon to 3 for 2 offers. Not allowed to buy books for the full price. 4.) Kindle books cheaper than £2 are allowed and don’t count. Swaps on Read it Swap it are allowed and do not count towards 4 book total. 5.) Avoid IMM’s and new releases posts like the plague because they are evil temptress posts that will be the death of you! How strict is that!? Ok not super strict but it’s enough for me to still buy the books that I desperately want and save some money. I think it’s about time I started behaving like a responsible adult and took more care with my money and spending especially when I already have so many books to read. I seriously have about 3 years worth to get through. I think 4 books a month is a reasonable amount especially with all the books I get for review and the books on my to be read pile. I don’t know how long this bans going to go on for. In some ways I think it would be a good thing to limit myself from now on as I’ve already noticed how much more I appreciate the books I do buy and how much extra cash I have so I guess it’s something I’m going to go along with for as long as possible. The small print is that these rules go out of the window if I’m going to a blogger event, author signing or whatever because honestly? How can someone *not* buy books at an event like that? So I’m going to allow myself more leeway then but still try not to go crazy. If fellow bloggers practically force books on to me though then I cannot be responsible for my actions ;-) So far I’ve actually strangely been enjoying saving my money and buying less books but I’m just starting out and I know there will be hard times ahead so if any of you have any advice or tips please let me know in the comments.


  1. I also try to only buy the books that I really really want. There are three used bookstores around here plus I have a B&N membership so that tends to help me a lot. If I'm going to a signing I give myself permission to buy what I want and I try to get most of the books before the signing on amazon or at used bookstores. I think I'm also going to wait until the end of each month to buy books unless it's something I know I will love. I always want to buy things after reading IMM posts but I look at my stacks of unread books and then I feel better. Make sure that your unread pile is in constant sight. It makes not buying that much easier.

  2. I've also really tried to cut down on book buying, because I have loads and loads and loads still to read but also because like you June is an expensive month for me.

    I love number 5 :)

    Best of luck! :D

  3. l like this!
    I can not go on a book buying ban, it's just so quick and easy to press 'purchase', especially when they are so many cheap second hand books on places like playtrade which is where l get most of my books from so l like that you aren't even thinking it's possible to not get book so are allowing yourself 4 books.

    '5.) Avoid IMM’s and new releases posts like the plague because they are evil temptress posts that will be the death of you!'
    Haha l love it and SO true!!!!

  4. Good luck with your book buying ban. I'm trying to do this too because I want to get through my reading pile. However, my rules are that I can buy the books that I'm desperate for and if I am going to be buying books it'll be books that I've read that I don't have yet so that I can build up my collection without building up my tbr pile.

  5. Oh girl, I do the same thing! I always tell myself no more book, then I walk into a store and bam, I buy a book. I hope this works out for you!

  6. Kate- I have found that looking at my overwhelming TBR pile makes me not want to buy anymore books! Thanks for the tip :-) I've stacked a huge pile by my bedside.

    Thanks for all the support guys! So far so good x

  7. Good luck to you on your book ban. I think it definitely helps to stop and consider 'do I *really* need to buy this book?' It's stopped me from going completely out of control in my book buying in the last year. I think you're being very generous with your restrictions, but it's a great start and I hope you make a big dent in your TBR pile! I typed out a list of my TBR books and posted it on my blog. It gives me great satisfaction to cross titles out as I read them!


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