Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Signing Up For The Review Copy Cleanup!


Review Copy Cleanup is hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea and Celine from Nyx Book Reviews, to find out more about it or to sign up click their button!

There are so many fabulous sounding books coming out over the next couple of months so that means that my review pile is through the roof! I'd like to get around to as many of these books as humanly possible and share what I thought with you guys, so when I saw this challenge on Vicky's blog I thought, perfect!


I have a really large selection of books to choose from so I don't want to limit myself to what I'm going to read by stating down a few here and sticking to a list, it will be much more fun if I can just choose what I want to read from my piles on a whim, there are a few that I do REALLY want to make sure I get read though and those are the books I've pictured above. I also really want to tackle a few Netgalley books as they always tend to get neglected in favour of actual review copies.

I'm taking part in a readathon at the moment so am taking a little break from review books so I don't have the commitment of having to write reviews for them all but as soon as that's over on the 12th you can bet I'll be attacking those review books for the rest of August! Wish me luck! Hopefully I'll get lots read and reviewed :)


  1. I have read Sweet Venom and I loved it, hopefully you will too, also I can't wait for your review of Masque Of The Red Death!

    1. Yay! Really glad to hear you loved Sweet Venom Caroline. I'm so looking forward to reading Masque of the Red Death!

  2. I absolutely loved The Masque of the Red Death! The publisher sent me a review copy too and it's amazing. I mean, it has its faults but the atmosphere is so wonderful that it's easy to look past them. I'm dying for the next book although I know it'll be ages yet!

    1. I read your review Hanna and it only made me even more excited to read it! I read a few pages and it sounds like it will be fantastic.


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