Saturday, 4 August 2012

Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon Day 1: My TBR

The Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon is hosted by Jennifer at Some Like It Paranormal and Jude at In Between

My Readathon To Be Read Pile

From Top to Bottom
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
The Hex Hall Series:
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Raising Demons by Rachel Hawkins
Spellbound by Rachel Hawkins
White Wedding by Milly Johnson
This Is Not A Test by Courtney Summers
Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
From What I Remember... by Stacy Kramer and Valerie Thomas

Nine days, nine books! Well at least that was the original plan… before I got sick. I have laryngitis, a cold, AND my asthma playing up and haven't done any reading for days because of it. But I'm still determined to at least take part and try my best with the readathon. Needless to say this will be a more relaxed readathon for me this time around. Whereas last time I really pushed myself this time I need to prioritize getting better over reading which means, no staying up late to finish a book! *Glares sternly at future self.* However I DO have the advantage of being ill and needing some peaceful resting time to read so we'll see how we get on!

I have a nice selection to choose from over the next few days from chick-lit, to paranormal, to dystopians, to contemporary. I've got some shorter quick reads, some medium sized, and a couple of bigger books but the one thing they all have in common is that I really wanted to read them this summer, so this readathon fits in perfectly!

I'll be updating on the blog, my goodreads, and twitter whenever I can and I've already kick started day 1 by making a start on This Is Not A Test in bed this morning (SO good so far!) I'd like to read as many of these books as I can before the readathon's over so wish me luck! :)


  1. Oh no, you're sick?! *hugs gently* I don't know whether to feel really sorry for you because you're poorly and feeling rough, or a tiny bit jealous because at least you get some duvet time with a book while you recover, right?! Haha, I'm so philanthropic, I really am... :)

    So many great books to choose from too, woohoo! Clearly I am seriously biased towards PERKS, which I'm about to give a 4.5* review... but I also want to know how HEX HALL, SHATTER ME and FROM WHAT I REMEMBER fare, so I'm rooting for them too. Hooray for ridiculously huge TBR piles!

    Good luck anyway, do lots of tweeting at me so we can chatter away, and hope you feel lots better soon so you can just milk it (for more duvet time and biscuits, hehe) instead of actually feeling crap. ;)

    1. I definitely have milked it towards the end without feeling *that* poorly I'm happy to say. So I vote for feeling sorry for me at the beginning of the week and jealous towards the end ;)

  2. That is one heck of a tbr pile to choose from, I remember last time I was absolutely knackered too, I think this time I'm going to take it a lot more easier. Good luck with your challenge I'll be rooting for you! Hope you feel better soon! :)

    1. Thanks hun I'm feeling a lot better now, taking a more relaxed approach was a lot more fun but I'm sad that I didn't get as much read.

  3. That is a big TBR pile in a week! Great books though, I read Shatter Me recently and it was amazing- enjoy!

    1. I'm really sad that I didn't get around to Shatter Me it was one I really wanted to get around to, hoping to get around to it before the years out though!

  4. Good heavens Jess! That's a lot for this challenge. I've only picked three books (in addition to review copies I need to read). I hope you feel better and I'll check on your progress. Good luck. :)

    1. It was too much Rachel! But it did give me plenty to choose from :)


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