Monday, 6 August 2012

Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon: Day 2 Update

The Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon is hosted by Jennifer at Some Like It Paranormal and Jude at In Between.

What I Read: Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Number of Pages Read: 323
Pages Read Total: 645
Books Read Total: 2
Challenge: Wicked Summer Cover Challenge
Non Reading Activity: I spent most of the day solidly reading, but I did spend a lot of time in the morning catching up with other readathoners and bloggers I follow and I did the Cover Challenge which took up a good couple of hours hunting down all of the covers but was, although at times frustrating, really good fun! I felt so satisfied when I finally found them all!
Thoughts: I'm doing a lot better than I thought I was going to hitting my original target of a book a day which I set before I got sick. If I had to describe Hex Hall in one word it would be FUN! I'm a little bit in love with Sophie and want her as a friend. She's loyal, smart, but most of all HILARIOUS. For example early on in the book there’s a werewolf charging at her ready to rip her throat out, Sophie is a witch and could, you know, easily defend herself but in her panic what does this particular witch do? She shouts "BAD DOG!" people! *Snort* I stinkin’ love Soph already and can't wait to get around to the next book. The Hex Hall series would be the love child of JK Rowling and Louise Rennison for sure and I'm hoping to read the whole series during the readathon, but next up I think I'm going to take a little trip down contemporary this space!


  1. That DOES sound funny! *quietly adds it to library list* So glad you're kicking butt this week even with the whole 'hacking up a lung thing'... I like to know my favourite ladies are loving their books, for better or worse, in sickness or in health! :)

    1. Yay for adding it to your library list! The characters are so awesome and the whole series is so fun and cute I loved it :)

  2. Seriously Jess you are rocking this challenge! I still have to finish my first book, I think I would get a lot more reading done, if I could force myself away from the t.v.! Hex Hall does sound like a great read, I really need to pick this series up soon! :)

  3. WHOA! You're doing great! I've been so lazy in the past two days... I'm addicted to Scrubs so as Jasprit just said, I'd do a lot better if I could force myself away from my laptop.. :D

    1. I'm the same with Lost and Pretty Little Liars at the minute, I feel like I could of read another book or two if I wasn't so addicted to those shows!

  4. Wow, you're doing really great!! I haven't gotten nearly enough read... almost got one book done, will start a second today.

    1. Thanks Cassy! Hope you got plenty read in the end :)

  5. I love witches and really enjoyed Hex Hall! Happy reading!

    1. Me too! I've definitely got into witches a lot this year!

  6. Hex Hall is SO FUN, and I'm so glad you liked! It's about time you read it, Jess! You NEED to read Raising Demons/Demonglass ASAP! ;)

    1. It really was! I enjoyed the whole series so much you'll be happy to know :D


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