Without further ado here is the moment you've all been waiting for, the gorgeous cover for Shattered!
A Word From The Author
There was a long story behind the Slated cover, and I’ve blogged about it before (http://www.notesfromtheslushpile.com/2012/02/slated-getting-it-covered.html). You can see there the different versions the cover went through, and how it almost didn’t happen when the photographer couldn’t be contacted and was only tracked down at the last minute.
The photographer did a photo shoot with the same model for the next covers. Fractured didn’t go through as much evolution as Slated, now that we had the basic look of the trilogy: the only thing that changed along the way was the choice of image. But when I saw the gorgeous cover to Fractured, while I loved it, it raised one doubt in my mind. Fractured has a broken glass effect around the edges: where were they going to go with Shattered that was beyond this?
I needn't have worried: I’m pretty sure the cover to Shattered is my favourite. Originally it was more white, then into warmer colours, and the change I suggested was making the colours cooler and going into blue – I was thinking making it cold, like shattered ice. I love the effect they’ve used.
And I’ve also interviewed Haley, the cover girl, herself! So if you ever wondered what it would be like to have your face appear on book covers around the world, check it out here: http://teriterry.jimdo.com/2013/04/11/what-is-it-like-to-be-on-a-book-cover-meet-hayley-slated-fractured-cover-girl/
I have to agree with Teri - I think Shattered is my favourite of the series too! I'm so glad that they decided to go with a colder look. I'm loving the shattered ice! What do you think of the cover?
Finally to celebrate the cover reveal the publishers are providing a copy of either Slated (book one) or Fractured (book two) to giveaway to one lucky UK based winner! To enter please read the rules and enter via the rafflecopter.
To enter please fill in the Rafflecopter
Open to UK residents only
End date: Thursday 12th September 2013
Winner will be contacted by email and will have 1 week to reply else another winner will be selected.
Good luck to everyone entering and thank you to Teri for putting this post together!