Publisher: Penguin
Release: 27th February 2014
Genre: Fiction, Family, Romance, Chick-Lit
Source: Received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Goodreads Summary:
"One single mum
With two jobs and two children, Jess Thomas does her best day after day. But it's hard on your own. And sometimes you take risks you shouldn't. Because you have to...
One chaotic family
Jess's gifted, quirky daughter Tanzie is brilliant with numbers, but without a helping hand she'll never get the chance to shine. And Nicky, Jess's teenage stepson, can't fight the bullies alone. Sometimes Jess feels like they're sinking...
One handsome stranger
Into their lives comes Ed Nicholls, a man whose life is in chaos, and who is running from a deeply uncertain future. But he has time on his hands. He knows what it's like to be lonely. And he wants to help...
One unexpected love story
The One Plus One is a captivating and unconventional romance from Jojo Moyes about two lost souls meeting in the most unlikely circumstances."
Jess Thomas lives with her talented young daughter Tanzie, troubled teenage stepson Nicky and the large and loveable family dog Norman in a small seaside town but their life is far from the idyll that you’d imagine. Tanzie is a child genius who’d rather spend hours pouring over maths problems than playing with other children her age and Nicky is badly bullied for his love of mascara and skinny jeans. Their small town is one that is equally small minded and labels anybody who’s a little bit different a freak and for Jess and her family life is a daily struggle. That is until one day when wealthy business man Ed Nicholls comes into their lives and offers a helping hand and so they set off on a whirlwind road trip adventure that will change not only Jess’s life but Ed’s life for the better.
The One Plus One is a character driven read told from Jess, Ed, Tanzie and Nicky’s points of view. After a few chapters I quickly became immersed in this story, so much so that I devoured this 500 plus page book in two days. The Thomas family are such underdogs and I felt every emotion alongside them as we watch them struggle through life. I laughed, I cried, I got angry and I desperately wanted things to change for them. This book is about family, misfits, hope and the random acts of kindness from strangers that can make someone’s day a hundred times better. The One Plus One shines a light on those struggling with poverty in the UK and I loved seeing how wealthy Ed’s views regarding money gradually changed throughout the book as he got to see how the other half live.
I completely fell in love with every character in this book but I just have to give a special mention to our heroine Jess who not only is a wonderful mother but such an inspiring lady to read about. Jess is such a kind and hopeful character – when life knocked her down she’d get right back up again and I admired her so much. For all you romantics there is also a lovely slow simmering romance between Jess and Ed that develops throughout the book. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted two characters to get their happily ever after more!
Simply put The One Plus One is the best book that I’ve read in 2014 so far. If you like books about life changing road trips with a bright and eccentric cast of characters and a loveable furry companion to boot then I couldn’t recommend this book to you more! I laughed, I cried and a week after finishing I still can’t get the Thomas family out of my head!