Monday, 9 July 2012

Come Cheer Me On, For The Once Upon A Read A Thon!

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

Like what I did there? I'm such a poet! So some of you may know that I’ve signed up to take part in my first ever read a thon! Once Upon a Read-a-Thon is hosted by Lori at Pure Imagination, Angela at Reading Angel and Candace at Candace's Book Blog and you can find out more about it by clicking on the image.

The books I want to read over the three days are…

Hunting Lila and Losing Lila by Sarah Alderson
Heist Society and Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter
Kindle Books

Hunting Lila and Heist Society are both books that I *had* to have as soon as they came out but got pushed aside for review copies. Since I recently got both books sequels for review I wanted to take the read a thon as an opportunity to read these fab books! I’m a fairly average reader neither fast nor slow so I in no way think I’ll read all of these in three days. On an average week I’d probably read one book in three days so my goal is to read two books or more if I can manage it! I’ve added my Kindle as an option as I find reading on it less strenuous on my eyes and it may be ideal if the books I’ve chosen aren’t grabbing my attention as much as I need them to, or if my eyes get tired and I want to switch over to an e-book.

Ideally I’d like to do an update post every day on how much I’ve read, how I’m feeling, what I’ve been eating (because no read a thon is complete without snacks right?) and all that good stuff. And I’ll also be updating on Goodreads and Twitter so if you want more updates you know where I’ll be! There should be some fun challenges that I’d like to take part in as well!

My overall plan of action is to read, read, read! But I also have some activities prepared for times when I need a pick me up. The first obvious choice is blogging, updating, and generally seeing how everybody else taking part is getting on. These will be the times when I need cheerleading so if you see me around the web a quick morale boost would be lovely! I also plan to break off from reading at meal times, to sleep (although I do plan to cut down my sleeping hours to fit in more reading!) and when I have to get on with y’know normal day to day stuff. And for times when I really need a break from books I have some short and fun Youtube videos to watch and Friends episodes which are usually only around 20 something minutes long and never fail to perk me up!

What I want to get out of this mainly is to read some fantastic books, find some lovely new bookish people to follow, and have loads of geeky awesome fun!

If you’re taking part good luck and have fun! And if you’re not then, well, I’ll see you on the other side…hopefully ;)


  1. Good luck Jess! *waves pompoms cheerfully* I'm keeping my goals fairly modest too - finish my current reads and maybe read one other too - so I'm HOPING with two days off I'll be able to really crack on. I'll be stalking you for the next three days, never fear! :)

  2. I think you might have the most detailed plan I've ever seen for a readathon. Which means you'll do wonderfully! Have fun & happy reading!

  3. Anything by Ally Carter is always a good move for a read-a-thon. Love her books! They are always so action-packed and fun. You'll devour them in no time at all. Good luck and happy reading!

  4. You have the same Kindle cover as I do! I love that thing! Looks like you've got some great books for the Read-a-thon. Enjoy enjoy!

    New follower!

  5. Good luck Jess! Jasprit is participating in this as well. I think you love Hunting Lila and it's a quick fast paced read. I have read The Heist Society but I hear that's a fast paced read too.

  6. Thanks for all the support guys! :)


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