Monday, 9 July 2012

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Monday's Mini Challenge!

Seems as I'm currently in between reads (one book down, yay!) I decided I'd reward myself with some internet time whilst I'm absorbing my last read and then after dinner I'll be cracking on to book two! But seems as I'm online I thought I'd do todays mini challenge hosted over on

Question 1: What is your favorite cover that has been revealed this summer and why? Post a link or picture of the cover if you want.

Oh so many gorgeous covers! But I'd have to say my recent favourite is Everbound (Everneath #2) by Brodi Ashton. I just love everything about it! I have some serious hair envy going on with the model - such big, glossy, bouncy, curls! I love how her dress swirls off into a smoke-like mist and the dark smoke gathering around her gives this book such a dark and sultry feel. I loved the first book Everneath and I can't wait to see what happens next in Everbound!

Question 2: Do you rely on the cover to help you choose whether you want to read a book or not? A lot of factors go into me deciding on whether I want to read the book before the cover like reviews from blogger friends, online hype, whether it sounds like something I'd enjoy, the synopsis etc. But if I’m in a bookshop browsing does a pretty cover catch my eye? Certainly! If the covers a bit naff and the e-books way cheaper then I'll end up buying the e-book, if the covers gorgeous and will look amazing on my bookshelf then I'm willing to pay the extra money for it! 

Are you taking part in the Once Upon a Read-a-Thon? How’s it going so far? Stay tuned for more updates and bookish fun from me and if you’re not taking part but want to let me know what you think of the cover for Everbound or your favourite cover reveal so far this summer feel free to leave a comment!


  1. Hello! Hoping to get back to reading now after a long chat with my sis about the possibility of shutting the shop for a week and going on an ACTUAL SUNSHINEY HOLIDAY this year. You know what this could mean? A SEVEN-DAY ALL-OUT AIRPORT, PLANE AND SUNLOUNGER READ-A-THON BY DEFAULT! *tries to calm her excitement*

    Pretty cover - she does have fabulous hair - and good luck as we read ever onwards! :)

  2. I found this challenge so hard as there were so many gorgeous cover reveals lately, but great pick I love the cover to Everbound! Hope you get through many more amazing books today and tomorrow :)

  3. I love this cover as well as Everneath's cover. The story was wonderful too. I have to say that I'm enticed by a beautiful cover but the description has to interest me as well. :)


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