Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day 2 Update

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon is hosted by Lori at Pure Imagination, Angela at Reading Angel and Candace at Candace's Book Blog and you can find out more about it by clicking on the image.

What I Read: Heist Society and Uncommon Criminals 
Number of Pages Read: 478 
Pages Read Total: 940 
Books Read Total: 3 
Challenge: Bookish Fight! 
Reading Snacks: This time I went for a "mood food" snack, I was reading Uncommon Criminals so I matched it up with some mini muffins seems as they’re teen heists, smarties as all of the characters are incredibly witty and bright and a caffeine fix - hey! Even the *best* criminals need a pick me up now and then! - In my “I Solemnly Swear That I'm Up To No Good” Harry Potter mug. I think Fred and George would get along very nicely with these mischievous teens ;) AND it was yummy!

Non Reading Activity: Day two was pretty much a solid day of reading, after reaching my 2 book target already I started to get competitive with myself and thought "okay how about now we aim for FOUR books, double the stakes." So I really pushed myself yesterday. I did have a break over lunch though and caught up with the latest episode of Once Upon a Time again totally fitting for the readathon but this time it wasn't intentional - I watch this show every week! And I also updated on Twitter and took part in a mini challenge before finally crashing for a few hours of sleep!

Thoughts: The readathon is catching up with me now and today I'm feeling a little headachey, icky and tired PLUS I have a busy day ahead of me for day three. I can be quite self-competitive though and I'm determined to squeeze in one more book before it's all over or at least get a good chunk read, wish me luck! I feel like today I need that “you can do it!” boost!


  1. YOU MATCHED YOUR SNACKS TO YOUR BOOK! Clearly you should be a party planner. What would have gone with mine, I wonder? Jelly Tots for Karl Pilkington, because he has such a childish innocent view of life. But what goes with a book about a teenage God?!

    I ended up with a cracking good headache yesterday as well - though I think the humidity had something to do with it - and ended up half-watching Percy Jackson before bed instead of reading. Seriously, that dude is cute. :)

    GOOD LUCK FOR TODAY! I'm back at work too - I had less time reading this morning because we were out early for a book collection, and I'm going to see SPIDERMAN after work, but hopefully I'll get a chunk read during the day and maybe when I get home from the cinema. It'll keep me up late and I might regret it tomorrow, but I might be hungry anyway so I might as well squeeze in an extra half hour's reading time if I can! :)

  2. I'm not doing as well as I'd hoped with the readathon.
    Well done you! You can do it!!

  3. You're doing great Jess and you're reading Losing Lila!! I can't wait to pick that up. Good luck! :)


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