Thursday, 12 July 2012

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day 3 Update & Wrap Up

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon is hosted by Lori at Pure Imagination, Angela at Reading Angel and Candace at Candace's Book Blog and you can find out more about it by clicking on the image.

Wednesday’s Updates 
What I Read: Losing Lila by Sarah Alderson 
Number of Pages Read: 343 
Pages Read Total: 1283 
Books Read Total:
Challenge: None 
Reading Snacks: None, it was back to normal for me on Wednesday so no yummy snacks! :| 
Non Reading Activity: Again no fun activities! When I wasn't busy I was cramming in as much reading time as possible on this last day. 
Thoughts: Read, read and read! 

 That's a Wrap!

What I Read: (In order) Hunting Lila, Heist Society, Uncommon Criminals and Losing Lila
Total Pages Read: 1283
Challenges I Participated In: The Cover Challenge and Bookish Fight
Favourite Book Read: Probably Losing Lila it was so gripping!
Final Thoughts: With this being my first readathon I wasn't sure what to expect, or how much I'd get read, so I was really happy to reach my overall goal of two books when I was only half way through the readathon and even happier when I upped my target to 4 books and finished my fourth book two hours before midnight on the final day! I'm so happy that I not only surpassed my goal but reached the new one I set myself as well. I've certainly been bitten by the readathon bug and have already signed up for another one in August! I had so much fun, probably more than I even thought I was going to, and I can't wait to do it all again with the Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon next month. But for now? It's over and out! *goes and lies down for a little nap*

I just wanted to take the chance to thank Lori, Angela and Candace for hosting this readathon and for all the bloggers who hosted the wonderful mini challenges, it's been a blast!


  1. You did great for your first read-a-thon!!!
    I love this series from Ally Carter, so much fun, right?

    Mariana @ Book Travels

    1. Thanks Mariana! It is so much fun! Really want to make a start on the Gallagher Girls series now, maybe for my next readathon? :)

  2. Yay Jess, I so glad you passed your goal, picking a series to read is definitely a good idea, plus the two series' you chose to pick are brilliant, I bet you can't wait for Perfect Scoundrels in January! :)

    1. I really can't wait for Perfect Scoundrels it sounds so good as well! I think series are a really good idea for readathons, might read another series for the next one :)

  3. I wish I could have joined this read-a-thon! I was out of town until Tuesday afternoon so I couldn't sign up, even though a read-a-thon is exactly what I need at the moment. :(

    Anyway, you did great! 4 books is fantastic!!!

    1. Thanks Vicky! Are you signed up for the Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon? It would be great if you could take part in that one :)

  4. This is such a great idea and well done on reading 4 books! Might have to have a look at the one next month and see if I can take part!

    1. I hope you can! They're so much fun :)

    2. So I've signed up! Really looking forward to it

  5. This was my very first Read-a-Thon too, though I must say that I didn't do as well as you did! I was a really exciting experience for me, and I hope to read as many books as you did in next year's read-a-thon! :)


  6. Bloody hell woman, congratulations! *shakes Jess's hand in a very earnest British fashion* What an amazing triumph for your first read-a-thon! I hardly made a dent in my reading list compared to yours, but I had a great time! :)

    I've signed up for the High Summer read-a-thon next week (I'm busy all seven days, but I need the focus while I'm at work!), then the Summer Wrap-Up one, then it's Bout of Books right after that, woohoo! My reviewing might suffer horribly, but hopefully it'll be a real drive to get back into reading, leave the Interwebs alone a bit, and also help me survive the summer holidays at the shop by retreating into my books, haha!

    Congrats again sweetie, you did awesome this week! :D


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